Monday, June 21, 2010

Personalized Growth Charts

Brady went for his yearly checkup the other day and he is growing like a weed. He has always been practically off the chart as far as height. He has tall genes(not from my husband!!) Anyway, we are always guessing how tall he is and whether he is ready to move into a different car seat because of height restrictions. Well, we need a growth chart and we sell them! Why does the old saying ring true..."the cobbler's children have no shoes"? So, if you know a new parent, or are looking for a cute and useful baby gift, consider these cute growth charts. They are practical, useful and look great in the child's room too. Check them out at and see if one won't be a great gift idea for the next baby shower you are invited to. The personalization makes them special and they grow with the child so they are a gift that will last.